I posted this question on a “clutter” page: “What do you own a ridiculous amount of?” These were among the gazillion answers. Enjoy!
- Accessories
- Active wear
- Address labels
- Angels
- Anxiety
- Barbies (still in boxes, 200+)
- Bath stuff
- Beads
- Bills
- Black t-shirts
- Boyd’s Bears
- Blankets
- Books
- Boots
- Cables and cords
- Cake decorating supplies
- Camping gear
- Candles
- Canning jars
- Cardigans
- Cat t-shirts
- Cat toys
- Cats
- CDs and Records
- Children
- Classroom teacher stuff
- Cleaning supplies
- Clothes I no longer wear
- Clothes that are too small
- Clowns
- Coats
- Cobalt bottles
- Collections
- Comforters
- Condiments
- Cookbooks (hardcover and on my Kindle)
- Cookie cutters (over 600 and never used)
- Cookie jars
- Coozies
- Crafts supplies
- Crystals
- Décor
- Depression glass
- Digital photos
- Dishes
- Dog clothes
- Dolls
- Dragons
- Dresses
- Drinking glasses
- Dust
- Ebooks
- Emotional baggage
- Empty Amazon boxes
- Empty glass jars
- Essential oils
- Everything
- Excuses
- Fabric
- Family
- Fat
- Fish
- Fishing tackle
- Flip-flops
- Food (SABLE: “Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy”)
- Found objects for my art
- Funny t-shirts
- Gin
- Good intentions
- Guilt
- Guitars and amplifiers
- Hair products
- Hallmark ornaments
- Halloween props
- Hand sanitizer
- Happiness
- Hats
- Holiday décor
- Hot sauce (and I will use every one of them!)
- Hotel shampoos and soaps
- Hummels
- Inherited stuff
- Insulated mugs
- Keychains
- Kids books
- Kids clothes
- Kids drawings
- Kitchen utensils
- Legos
- Leopard print clothes
- Lights (string, fairy, solar, solar fountains with lights, light bulbs)
- Lipstick
- Longaberger baskets
- Lotion
- Lots of “oh this may come in handy one day” stuff
- Lula Roe leggings (79 pair)
- Magazines, mostly home décor
- Make-up brushes
- Movies
- Mugs
- Nail polish
- Napkins
- Notebooks
- Natural soaps
- Off-cut pieces of wood from previous projects
- Over-the-counter medicines
- Owl collectibles
- Pajamas
- Pampered Chef
- Paper bags
- Paper that needs shredding
- Partially empty bottles of everything
- Pens
- Perfume
- Pet hair
- Pets
- Photo albums
- Photos of my kids
- Pillows
- Pins (collect them)
- Planners
- Plants
- Plastic bags filled with plastic bags
- Purses
- Puzzles
- Rae Dunn (and I still want more)
- Reading glasses
- Real Simple magazines
- Recipes
- Ribbon
- Rocks
- Rubber Stamps
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (it’s just a weakness)
- Saved paper
- Scarves
- Scentsy
- Scrapbook supplies
- Sea glass
- Seashells
- Sentimental items
- Shawls and wraps
- Sheet music
- Shoes (at least my husband thinks so)
- Shot glasses
- Snacks
- Socks
- Souvenirs
- Spices
- Starbucks cups
- Stationary (never use but can’t get rid of)
- Stickers
- Sunglasses
- Sweaters (130+)
- Sweatshirts
- Swimsuits
- Tea
- Teddy bears
- Thoughts
- Tote bags
- Trunks
- Tupperware
- Turtle figurines
- Underwear
- Unpaired socks
- Vacuums
- Vera Bradley
- Vintage cameras (I’m a photographer so people always gift them to me)
- Vinyl
- Vitamins
- What-Nots (screws, nails, hooks, wires, zip-ties)
- Workout videos
- Worthless jewelry
- Yarn (YAS: “Yarn Acquisition Syndrome”)
- All of this
Whew! Do you feel normal yet? Do you feel like you know each of these people in a way?
What would be your item? And if you’re like the last one who said “All of this,” and it’s about to send you ‘round the bend, give me a call. I can help!
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Copyright © 2022 by Cynthia Gentry Black, Home Staging by Cynthia, LLC in Kansas City.
All rights reserved. No portion may be shared, reused or republished in any format without express written consent of the author.
Posted in Home Clutter