It’s heart-breaking for me to be gushing over a seller’s pet and hear, “We have to get rid of Fifi; do you know anyone who might want her?” First, I cannot imagine being in this difficult situation, but sometimes it happens and for reasons beyond our control. This is what I did for a friend when she couldn’t bring home the cat from her work place after it closed, resulting in a new home for “George” in just three days!
I sent the following Email—along with a photo—to everyone we knew locally, and asked them to forward it if they couldn’t take George:
Subject: I’m George the Cat in Need of a New Home!
I’m George, named after the original owner of the company I work for. I’m currently their mascot, guest greeter and mouser—and I’m pretty good at my job!
I was found abandoned at one of the owner’s rental homes when I was a kitten. That was about 8 years ago. He brought me into the office because he knew Cheryl loves cats. She has two at home already and took me there at first and, well, it didn’t go smoothly because, well, you know how we cats can get. Maybe we would have all become best of chums eventually, but she brought me back to work and I’ve been here ever since.
I’ve always been an indoor cat and there aren’t any windows here for me to look out of so I don’t know anything about being outdoors, but I could take care of myself if I had to because I have all of my claws!
I’m fixed, well-acquainted with my litter box, and I don’t spray—although I like to wiggle my tail and pretend!
Everyone who meets me loves me, but here’s my problem: the company is closing and no one can take me home with them. I don’t have much time, probably less than a week before I’m taken to a shelter. I don’t know what that is but it doesn’t sound good, and I’m kinda scared.
I love being brushed and petted, and when I want to play, I let you know by trying to play with your hand. I can be vocal at times and will talk back to you, sometimes in the same tone you use with me! (People here think that’s adorable!)
I’m a little tubby. Cheryl feeds me too much high-sodium lunch meat as a treat, and lately things have been stressful around the office so I’ve been given more than normal. Plus, it’s hot in here so I’m not as active as I should be. I’m sure I could get back to my fighting weight in no time, with decent food and more exercise.
I’m not a finicky eater…but I like my water in a tall glass. With ice, please.
Won’t you take me home?
* * *
Take advantage of social media if there are no takers from your friend list.
Warning: Unless you know who is adopting your pet, ask for a modest rehoming fee. This helps weed out people who might use your pet as fight bait.
Last I heard, George was enjoying sunshine for the first time, chasing leaves on the deck, and has dropped a few pounds. He lives with a friend of a friend who loves him and we are so grateful that she took him into her life.
Bless all of you who have rescued animals—you are true heroes!
Copyright © 2022 by Cynthia Gentry Black, Home Staging by Cynthia, LLC in Kansas City.
All rights reserved. No portion may be shared, reused or republished in any format without express written consent of the author.